A civil delegation from Vitry arrived on Friday, 25th September 1970, during French Week to a civic reception at Burnley town hall after being met at Ringway Airport by the Mayor of Burnley, Ald. E. J. Willis. The delegation is Couns. MM M. Bonnett and M. Dacatti, Mlle D. Damiano (director of housing), and M. R. Gandilhon (a member of the Twinning Committee).
One of their first duties was to open Le Petit Escargot, the side-walk cafe in Centenary Gardens near the central library, run by Addison's and specialising in French wines and champagne. On Saturday they saw Burnley's match against Wolves and went to a Burnley swimming club dinner at Whalley. On Sunday they watched a netball match between Michelin and Vitry and saw rugby and football matches between Burnley and Vitry teams. There was also a swimming contest between Burnley, Vitry and a team from Lancaster, as well as an Anglo/French concert at Barden School. In the evening they saw Blackpool Illuminations.
The itinerary for the remainder of the visit includes touring a local housing estate and Qualitex Yarns, a visit to local schools, Meadow Bank Adult Centre, the Lower Ridge Welfare Hostel and the Haven Children's Home. On Thursday they will go to Lancaster to see the castle, on Friday they will have a "Night in Montmarte" at Towneley Hall and on Saturday, before they return home on Sunday, they will watch a cycle race at Scott Park and visit the new market and in the evening a grand dinner at the Keirby Hotel. On Monday afternoon eighteen French cars toured the town, Renaults, Simcas and Citreons, supplied by local garages.
On Saturday, the 26th September, 90 sportsmen and women arrived from Vitry. They played local teams at football, rugby, basketball, netball and entered a swimming gala. On Saturday night there was a welcoming dance at the Holden Road club house where they were the guests of the Calder Vale rugby team and the Belvedere football team.
For images of the swimming and rugby events see the Sport/Other Sport page or search on "Vitry"